Our Mission

Mission Statement..

New Beginnings Christian Fellowship exists to bring the life-changing power and presence of Christ into the lives

of people who want a fresh start. Our worship is all about adoring God and fully connecting with Him as a

community of believers. Relationships are authentic and deep, providing a safe environment in which to grow.


Core Values..

•We Value Compassionate Outreach

We are committed to using our resources and time to reach hurting people with the good news of Jesus Christ.


•We Value Intimacy With God

We are committed to bringing people to a rich, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


•We Value Shared Intimacy

We are committed to to helping people find their gifts and talents; then releasing them to serve God.


•We Value Community

We desire to build deep and lasting relationships between members of the body of Christ.


•We Value Acceptance

We are committed to creating an environment where anyone, regardless of age, race, or background can find

belonging, meaning, and security.